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When Wealth is More Important than Health
''I have seen cats and dogs in paperwork be referred to as RGU's - Revenue Generating Units'' ~ Professor Noel Fitzpatrick (Super Vet) It...

We did it! Cat microchipping to become law!
As of 10th June 2024, all cats must be implanted with a microchip before they reach the age of 20 weeks, and their contact details stored...

Westminster Hall Debate January 2023
Following the successful petition by Olivia on behalf of Dart, a debate on the subject of cats that are hit by cars being made a...

Protections For Cats On Roads Is Closer Than Ever...But They Need Your Help!
During this time of political turmoil, ourselves and petitioner Olivia have continued to fight for cats rights on the roads, and we have...

The Compulsory Microchipping and Scanning of Cats in Northern Ireland
With the compulsory microchipping of cats legislation currently going very well in England, and progressing well in Wales and Scotland,...

The Compulsory Microchipping & Scanning of Cats in Scotland
The fight for cats to be microchipped by law started in 2017. Future regulation set out by the UK Government would only apply to England...

The Compulsory Microchipping of Cats In Wales
The fight for cats to be microchipped by law started in 2017. Future regulation set out by the UK Government would only apply to England...

Compulsory Microchipping of Cats in the Devolved Nations
Our goal has always been to get legal rights and justice for cats all across the UK. Apart from our Co Founder living in Scotland, we...

The Law is Changing!
It's official!! The Government have published their response to the compulsory microchipping of cats call for evidence and consultation,...

We’re driving animals to their graves!
In Britain, annual road casualties are estimated to account for 100,000 fox deaths, 50,000 badgers, 50,000 deer, 30 million birds and...
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